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08/09/2003 Archived Entry: "Brooks Century"

Our Brooks Century
On Saturday – August 9, 2003
By Brenda C.

Skaters and bikers were rolling into the small town of Brooks, GA to pick an option of 25, 45, 65 or 100 miles. For an August day in Georgia, the weather was quite comfortable. It was most unusual though, as we were surrounded by fog. It was a bit of an eerie feeling to be rolling-out in fog, and I even thought perhaps I should get my blinky light - a friend to all of us on Monday/Wednesday night skates.

Six skaters from APRR and two APRR bikers rolled-out in a pack along with ~200 riders. Rodney S. & Scott J. arrived later - unfortunately having to skate solo. The pack of eight APRR folks hung together until the turnoff for the 45 mile option. Hardcore skaters Bruce B. and Mims R., along with biker Brenda, choose the 65 mile option. The day heated up as we rolled, but we took our time at the sag stops to enjoy an assortment of pastries, fruit, and various energy bars. Bikers, as always, were amazed at the speed and fitness of our small, APRR group.

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The fog surrounds us as Mims, Bill, Mark, and group listen intently
to announcements. I don’t ever remember us being that focused during
the pre-skate announcements on Monday/Wednesday nights.

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Mims, Mark, Bruce, Bill, Lisa, and Ken look sharp
as they maintain their paceline.
I bet all those bikers that APRR passed - were thinking to themselves
that they should increase their own workout routine.

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Sag stop #1 at mile 17… and we’re still looking and feeling fresh.

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Ken is enjoying the day, while he makes a quick adjustment.

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Mims & Bruce are having a watermelon treat at mile 38,
located at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
While we didn’t get to skate on the track, we did get to skate
around the huge complex.

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Fast skaterboys - Mims & Bruce are having a great time
with their converted ice packs at mile 54.

Replies: 1 Comment

Awesome Job Brenda !!!

Posted by m. @ 08/09/2003 10:40 PM EDT

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